Monday, 7 June 2010

700th Post

S - andwood Bay

E - ngland

V - erlats

E - dward Thomas

N - egative Capability

H - itch-hiking

U - ltreia

N - orfolk

D - avid Constantine

R - ebecca Solnit

E - mily Dickinson

D - emeter

T - homas Hardy

H - eptonstall

P - ontcysyllte

O - 'Cebreiro

S - tac Pollaidh

T - S Eliot


  1. Nice to see a glimpse of you. Congratulations on the milestone and happy trails to you, SW.

  2. Here's to another 700 Martin! Your Scotland trips are always fascinating as you take the road much less traveled. I was in Dingwall the other day thought of your trip. You learn something new every day.

  3. Thanks, Lorenzo!

    Alistair - I feel a bit schizophrenic now. Have I a Scottish doppelganger in some parallel, pedestrian universe? Robert

  4. Ahhh…the return of the native. Welcome back, my friend. And congratulations on number 700!

  5. Sure did enjoy revisiting the posts you chose to highlight for your 700th post, Solitary Walker.

    Walk on!

  6. Congratulations on your seven hundredth! Have missed you lately.

  7. Negative capability seemed to attract my attention yesterday morning when I read this post and so I planned to return later to read your linked post. However in the meantime, last night I was watching a program on John Banville who was discussing Keats "ode to a nightingale" and on my wiki search on the poem there was a link to "negative capability". Twice in one day my attention was drawn to this appealing concept - accepting uncertainty and the unresolved without irritability.
    Congratulations on your 700th post and great to see your return.

  8. Thanks, Grizz, Weaver and am! Will catch up on your blogs when I get a moment.

    Gleaner - that 'negative capability' idea I find immensely appealing. In travelling - particular the more bohemian, unplanned kind of travelling I like the best - it's a useful concept to bear in mind. I've always seen a correspondence between this and some Zen precepts - in its calm acceptance of whatever comes your way, in seeing the positive value in doubt, uncertainty and despair.
