Tuesday, 22 June 2010

Football, Frocks And Fiscal Matters

In this world nothing can be said to be certain except death and taxes BENJAMIN FRANKLIN

Although England is hardly shining in the World Cup first round (without a win against Slovenia tomorrow we are almost certainly out of the competition), to the mean-minded person it must give a small morsel of comfort to know that the French team is performing even more badly.

France has had a difficult few days. First there's the total disarray within the French football squad. Next there's David Cameron's wife, Samantha, upstaging Carla Bruni, wife of the French president, Nicolas Sarkozy, in the haute couture stakes. A case of glam Sam Cam? Finally the fact's been unearthed that it was the French who, in 1954, invented dreaded VAT (Value Added Tax). So we've the French to blame for this unpopular tax which affects all social and economic sectors equally, regardless of wealth or income - the tax which has of course been raised from 17.5% to 20% in today's emergency Budget!

So, whether it's in football, frocks or fiscal matters, the French have scored litle higher than a resounding nul points this week. And if they don't do something about tackling their budget deficit very soon - out of all the European nations they're the ones who seem to be pretending it doesn't exist - the merde will most definitely hit the ventilateur.


  1. An interesting conjunction of issues in today's post. Excellent!
    As an England supporter in Aberdeen, where the Auld Alliance is still held dear, I find myself in a tricky position...
    Cheers, Gail.

  2. Luckily England pulled something out of the bag yesterday just in time - which is what I thought they might do.

    Since France is now out of the competition, perhaps it's OK for the Scots to quietly support England now? After all, we're all rooting for Andy Murray down here..!
