Friday, 13 May 2011

The Sound Of Silence

And what did you do when Blogger went down?


  1. All encompassing.....

  2. Hi

    I was worried I wouldn't be able to "see" my blog-land friends again. I kept checking every few hours. phew.
    Love Gail

  3. It made me even more philosophical that I already am. Talked on the phone with a friend who working on a tapestry she may title "The Myth of Silence." Read from Sacred Shadow, Sacred Ground: A Vietnam Widow's Journey Through Unresolved Grief by Glenda M. Carter.

    Thanks for this version of "The Sound of Silence." That song is a lasting treasure, mysterious and resonant. When I finish work today, I'm going to see how Paul Simons sings it these days.

    Before Blogger, I did a lot more walking but had less contact with kindred spirits. Trying to find a good balance (-:

  4. Taught guitar. Bought a bunch of flowers. Taught piano. Walked a dog. Ate a Chinese takeaway. Went for a pint.

  5. The timing was perfect. My daughter and her husband are here from NY, and we spent time together. I wouldn't have been able to be on blogs anyway.

  6. Blissfully unaware.

  7. Well, we all made it through the hiatus, then!

    Balance is everything, am, isn't it?
