Friday, 23 December 2011

Joyeux Noel

The Solitary Walker caught photographing the Christmas hearth.

O - rwell
E - unate
U - ltreia!
X - mas

O - pium
E - nna
L - and's End 

It's been a wonderful walking year, in which I've walked most of the Hadrian's Wall Path (with George of Transit Notes), part of the Viking Way and all of the Via Gebennensis, the pilgrim route from Geneva in Switzerland to Le Puy in France. I wonder what next year has in store?

This blog is now four and a half years old, and every post has been a joy. The next post I write will be my thousandth. I've no idea what to do yet, but hope you will all contribute!

I wish all my blog friends and blog readers out there a very happy Christmas. Without you this blog would be as Santa without his reindeer, Fred Astaire without Ginger Rogers, a day on the Camino without a glass or two of wine at the end of it. Or something like that!


  1. Thousandth! I love that negative capability of Keats'. (I read something about a positive no the other day and liked that too.)

    It's been wonderful walking with you this year, Robert. I look forward to 2012 with you. Happy Christmas.

  2. Happy times to you too... and all the famille.

  3. Congratulations on the 999 and thanks for sharing such a lot of wisdom with us (and of course one of the great joys about solitary walking in Spain is you get a whole bottle of tinto with your menu at the end of the day).

    Feliz Navidad


  4. Just a note to say I enjoy your blog--and Happy Continued Journeys! wish I could have made some of those walks!

  5. Oh good is that! well I have really enjoyed your walking this year and I hope and pray that you are planning some more for the coming twelve months. I love the christmas mantle! Have a blessed time this weekend.

  6. A thousand blogs! That's amazing, Robert. A thousand acts of kindness, I would say, for everything you have written (at least what I have read) has inspired and lifted the spirits of others. I feel blessed to wake up each day with at least the prospect of another SW posting, and I certainly hope that we will continue to be blessed by your diverse, wise, and entertaining offerings.

    What an incredible year of walking you had! I'm delighted that we were able to spend some time together on the Hadrian's Wall walk, and I hope we will soon have another opportunity to tramp together.

    Loved the hearth photo—quite beautiful— and your JOYEUX NOEL was very creative and interesting. As with Ruth, my favorite is Keats' "negative capability." With negative capability, we can accomplish almost anything—in art, in life, or on one of those long-distance walks.

    A Very, Merry Christmas to you and your family. Your blog is a gift!

  7. Merry Christmas, Robert. While I've been a slacker on comments lately, I've read and enjoyed every post. I must say, I'm not sure whether to be envious, inspired, or simply amazed that you're poised to post your thousandth piece…and so far as I see it, their quality has done nothing but improve. Wow! (As an aside, I doubt you've done much "solitary" walking when accompanied by, or accompanying, George.)

    I don't know what to suggest for this looming milestone post—except do it! And having taken that step, then write 1001, 1002, 1003…just like walking.

    Again, my friend, may Christmas and the holidays bring you peace and joy and love, and may the coming year keep you in good health and adequate prosperity, and offer an abundance of trails to follow.

  8. Happy Christmas to you all - and love.

  9. Merry Christmas from Karen and me
    We really like your twiggy tree.

  10. Merry Christmas to you - great hearth picture and wow your 1000th post is coming, wow
    Love Gail

  11. Hola Robert - greetings from the Holy City. 1000 posts and many more miles than that accomplished. What adventures in words and steps and song. I wonder if we will all share a glass one day?..That could be the session of all sessions! I hope you and yours have a peaceful Christmas and a blessed New Year.


  12. Good to hear Ultreia! again, Solitary Walker. Yes, it's been a good walking year. I thoroughly enjoyed revisiting previous posts through the first letters of Joyeux Noel and seeing you at the Christmas hearth just before your thousandth post.

    Joyeux Noel to you and your family!

  13. May your days ahead be full of Merryment

  14. Wow. Simple as that. Wow. 1,000! So, as Grizz said, then take another step and yet another. I would like to recommend a few steps towards that Holy City we share, and then raise a glass with JW! And of course a post about that to share with the rest of us!

    Frohe Weinacht! Merry Christmas! Feliz Navidad!


  15. A thousand posts - you are my blogging idol! Here's to a stocking full of opium and dazed, loving smiles to friends, family and strangers, before we all return to comfortable indifference.

    Your blog has been a reliable friend this year; may it be thus a long while. And finally, God Bless George Orwell, the finest British writer ever - or of the last century anyway!

  16. Robert, although I look often and appreciate much, I don't comment seldom.

    That hearth photograph is wonderful. Wishing you and those you love a very blessed and joyous Christmas season, filled with much fun, laughter and marmite. x

  17. I'm new to your blog, but merry Christmas!

  18. Your blog has been one of the very best discoveries for me in my little blogging journey, Robert.
    You have shared so much wisdom and inspiration here in these four and one half years of journeying. Congrats on a one thousandth post - quite a feat!

    May you and yours have a joy-filled Christmas and a healthy, happy New Year.

  19. Thanks, from the bottom of my heart, to each and every one of you for such kind and lovely comments. It's good to know we do not always walk alone.
