Saturday, 18 February 2012

Communication Breakdown

I don't know about anyone else, but Blogger's new word verifications have left me keystroking in the dark. Do I need fresh glasses, or a new Rosetta Stone? Please help!


  1. Glad to hear it. I thought I'd lost the last of my eyesight, too.

    Bet the spammers figured out a way of beating the old system. They've certainly figured out how to beat Wordpress's filer as I've suddenly been slammed with spam on my site.

  2. I totally get that. I can't even find a place to disable if I have it on which I can't verify:(

  3. "Please prove you're not a robot" If you really aren't you could type two words instead of one till now ! "Rosetta stone" what's this SW ? Please help me to know more about that ! Cheers, Mike

    ...if you receive this comment sure I'm not a robot...

  4. I've been having problems with this too....usually takes two or three attempts.
    Mind you I was starting to have lots of spam get through with the old system...


  5. The new word verification is indeed a nightmare, you are not dreaming. FYI, as you might have noticed, I simply don't use it. While I've had problems in the past with spam and had to resort to it, lately, Blogger has been great at catching spam, so I haven't had to use it. I recommend giving that a try. (Watch, now I've said that, I'll have a problem!)

  6. Just a side note (if I can even get through), it took me 5 times to post my previous comment.

  7. Susan — you are a true angel of persistence!

  8. Unfortunately, I don't have any answers, but the new word verifications are really preventing this from being user-friendly. It often takes me several attempts before I can get through.

  9. Thanks for all your comments so far. I do feel I have to persist with the word verification mode at present as I've had spam and stalker stuff in the past. We'll see how it develops.

  10. I so agree!! I have a link-up on on of my blogs where I like to thank each person who links up. Try doing forty plus of these blurry word verifications in one shot. I hope they hear our compaints!

    I removed word verification from both of my blogs back in October and have not had one inappropriate comment. I find I think twice about commenting if I have to do word verification AND type in my name, e-mail, and website. Get rid of it all people!

  11. It's a nightmare. Sometimes a first guess works, and sometimes it takes four or more and I give up. Or maybe they are in cahoots with optometrists and just want us all to go get our eyes checked :-)

  12. My sentiments exactly - they are driving me crazy. Yours below here are quite unreadable.

  13. All it takes is practice. I actually find I am getting quite good at typing those words correctly.

  14. And I do understand and will continue to be persistent. Rubye Jack gives me hope!

  15. God, reading all these comments makes me feel a bit better!! Esp. Kiwi's comment about being in cahoots with the eye care profession!!

  16. Yes. One word is clear as day, and the second is thick as mud. It is annoying.

  17. Go to dashboard.
    Click on settings (for solitary walker blog).
    Once there, click on "comments" (blue link).
    Once there, scroll down to "Show word verification for comments?"
    Select "No".
    Scroll to bottom of page.
    Select "Save Settings".

  18. Ok, thanks folks, all sorted. I've just realised you have to go back to the old Blogger interface in order to turn off the WV feature. All done. I will still moderate, but none of you will now have to decipher strange hieroglyphs. Hurrah!
