A common man marvels at uncommon things. A wise man marvels at the commonplace. CONFUCIUS

Thursday 30 July 2015

I Will Loosen My Hair

I liked this so much when I read it in Resurgence & Ecologist magazine just now, I thought I would share it.

Since water still flows,
though we cut it with swords,
and sorrow returns,
though we drown it with wine;
since the world can in no way
answer to our craving,
I will loosen my hair tomorrow
and take to a fishing boat.


Thursday 16 July 2015


The Paulskirche, or St Paul's Church, in Frankfurt. This church has great historic and political importance, as it was the seat of the first democratically elected German parliament in 1848. This first National Assembly paved the way for the unification of Germany as a nation state in 1871.

The Römer has been Frankfurt's city hall for over 600 years (the British Queen Elizabeth II visited this historic landmark just a few weeks ago). These buildings have been much restored, for in 1944 Allied bombers obliterated the Römer, along with much of central Frankfurt. 

Opposite the city hall, and forming the east side of the Römerberg square, are more reconstructed buildings.

The famous Eiserner Steg, or Iron Bridge — a pedestrian bridge connecting the Römerberg with Sachsenhausen on the south bank of the river Main. The bridge was blown up by German forces at the end of World War II, but quickly rebuilt in 1946.

The view west down the Main from the Iron Bridge.

Cityscape old and new: modern skyscrapers dwarf the Catholic Leonhardskirche, which originally dates from 1219 and is an important pilgrimage church. Frankfurt lies at an intersection of pilgrim routes leading to Jerusalem and Santiago.   

Frankfurt's Historisches Museum (Historical Museum). Once again, this has been completely restored.

At one corner of Saint Paul‘s Church stands this concentration camp memorial — a sober reminder of the Holocaust and the dark days of the early 1940s.

The Goethehaus at 23, Grosser Hirschgraben. Johann Wolfgang Goethe was born here on 28 August 1749. The house was destroyed by Allied bombing in 1944, but reconstructed as closely as possible to the original between 1947 and 1951. Inside you can see Goethe's study and the writing desk at which he wrote The Sorrows of Young Werther, a seminal book of the Romantic movement.

On the second floor of the Goethehaus stands this astronomical clock made in the eighteenth century by clockmaker Christian Kintzing of Neuwied.

Thursday 9 July 2015

Witches And Artists

The church of Saint Sebastian, Friesenhagen . . .

Opposite the church are two more Fachwerkhäuser, or half-timbered houses . . .

On Blumenberg ('hill of flowers') above Friesenhagen lies the chapel of Saint Anna. It looks peaceful enough today, but on this very spot around 400 years ago 200 women were branded as witches and executed . . .

The meadows and forests of Wildenburgerland, at the northern tip of Rheinland-Pfalz . . .

The artist Barbara Weiss stands in front of her mural at an art exhibition in Geisweid, a suburb of Siegen 20 km east of Friesenhagen . . .

The city of Siegen, birthplace of Peter Paul Rubens . . .

Saturday 4 July 2015

Historical Rheinland-Pfalz

Schloss Crottorf near Friesenhagen.

Schloss Crottorf.

Entering the abbey at Marienstatt, Rheinland-Pfalz.

Marienstatt abbey.

Inside the abbey's Gothic church.

Historical market place in Hachenburg, Rheinland-Pfalz. 

Half-timbered house with free-swinging pendulum clock in Hachenburg's market square.

Ever seen an English telephone box used as a library before? No, nor had I — until I found this one in Hachenburg!
Wildberg, a small village just over the border with Nordrhein-Westfalen.