Thursday, 2 December 2010

Honest Scrap

A while back Val from the excellent Monkeys On The Roof was kind enough to honour my blog with this enviable award (thanks again, Val!) The postman tried to deliver it when I was away, so for all this time it's been sitting in the Sorting Office getting rusty and dusty. I finally collected it yesterday - after battling through blizzards and snowdrifts - and, I must say, it does look rather impressive on my mantelpiece  wedged between a Tibetan urn and an etiolated spider plant.

I'm supposed to pass it on to seven other bloggers, but I know some of my favourite bloggers have received one already, or are modestly reluctant to accept awards, so I'm throwing it open. If you want it, anybody, please take it! You all deserve it. How's that for cyber-democracy?

The other condition of accepting the award was to share ten honest things about myself. For this I thought I'd simply refer back to a related post I did some time ago. The post is here. It's a list of ten facts about my life. Nine are true and one is a lie. To discover the lie, and an explanation of the true facts, simply keep clicking on the 'Newer Posts' link.       


  1. Shall not undertake the test as I am most likely to know the answer I should think. Glad to hear D spoke to you and C yesterday. Sorry you have snow too.

  2. I remember the 10 things post you did, SW, it was fun!

    Tibetan urn and etiolated spider plant sounds interesting!

  3. No one, Robert, deserves this award more than you, and I think I speak for many when I say that it should remain in its honored space on your mantelpiece.

    I read those ten things about you with interest. There's a book in there somewhere. You just need to pull it all together, updated, of course, with your latest adventures and misadventures.

  4. hmm intruiging off i go to snoop. well deserved award by the way and thanks for the link to mine!
