This year Bill and Kate were bunkered in Pensthorpe Nature Reserve, Norfolk, directly below a wren's nest; and the enthusiastic and talented wildlife cameraman Simon King kept popping up at different places in the Cairngorms. His shots of ospreys fishing taken by an ultra-slow motion camera were fantastic and opened up a whole new world. Another classic moment was when a family of fledging goldeneye ducklings literally hurled themselves out of their tree nesting box onto the ground. Also Oscar and Emmy, the delightful bobbing oystercatcher chicks, were terrific value. Fabulous. And in what other TV programme can you witness uncensored in-your-face mating (whether it's shagging stag beetles or ovipositing banded demoiselle dragonflies), infanticide (that rogue male swallow), straight murder (the weasel and the baby reed bunting) and cannibalism (the barn owls) - all within an hour?
Oh well, I suppose I'll have to quit the sofa, get out the house and go see some real wildlife in the real world. (Some slithy toves, borogroves or mome raths would be rather nice but I think they're a bit elusive round these parts.) However there's always Autumnwatch to look forward to...
PS Kate Humble coined in Thursday's final programme the wonderful phrase "flummoxed by dunnocks" which I've used as the title of this post.
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