A common man marvels at uncommon things. A wise man marvels at the commonplace. CONFUCIUS

Tuesday 3 June 2008

Torrent And Precipice

Back to my Welsh walking week... The rain was still falling and I was tired with aching muscles from that rough Saturday in the Rhinogs, so I opted for a few gentler days.

Sunday 13 April I did a couple of walks near Dolgellau. These are well known, local walks much loved by visitors to West Wales. The 1st, called the Torrent Walk, is a short woodland walk around a gorge of the River Clywedog. Well, it's more of a stream really. The grassy banks of the lane leading up to this rocky ravine were carpeted with flowering violets and celandines, and the fresh springtime leaves of wild arum, ransoms, dog's mercury and foxgloves. Soft rain drizzled down as I followed the slippery path up the gorge through this natural gateway of mossy rocks (1st pic).

By afternoon the skies had cleared dramatically, but it was still cold and there was the odd hail shower. I pottered along the popular Precipice Walk - little more than 3 miles long but with most impressive views. The 2nd pic, taken from this high, contouring path, shows a scene north towards the Snowdon range (though you can't see it) and the 3rd pic reveals the snow-capped Arenigs to the east. The clouds and cloud shadows were particularly notable.

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