A common man marvels at uncommon things. A wise man marvels at the commonplace. CONFUCIUS

Tuesday 2 February 2010

A Distinct Odour

I know it's silly, but I'm being amused by constantly hearing the Spanish words pongo ('I put' or 'I place') and Wi-Fi (pronounced 'whiffy'). It may just be my imagination, but I'm sure I detect a distinct odour of unwashed peregrino round here...

(Posted from Baños de Montemayor, on the Vía de la Plata, Spain.)


The Weaver of Grass said...

I keep thinking about you Robert and hope the weather is reasonably warm for your trek.

Anonymous said...

Hombre - keep going you are getting closer. I've just put a drink behind the bar for you.

John J said...

We stayed at Baños de Montemayor a couple of years back - and got bitten to death by bed-bugs!