A common man marvels at uncommon things. A wise man marvels at the commonplace. CONFUCIUS

Monday 10 May 2010

Deliriously Living Moments Of Blue

Rural scene, a rural scene, / Sweet especial rural scene. GERARD MANLEY HOPKINS Binsey Poplars

Under a broad sky, / In the peaceful light / Of a spring day, / Why so restlessly / Do blossoms scatter down? KI NO TOMONORI (c. 850-c. 904)

How is it, / The restless spirit / Of scattering blossoms / Itself reveals / The peaceful colour of spring? FUJIWARA NO TEIKA (1162-1241)

A Bird, Just A Bird

'What fragrance', the bird said, 'what sunlight, oh Spring's come
and I'll go find my mate.'

Off the porch sill flew
the bird, flitting like some messenger, and was gone

A little bird
a thoughtless bird
a bird who never reads the news
a bird free from debt
a bird unacquainted with us

The bird flew through the air
above the red lights
unaware in the heights
and deliriously living
moments of blue

The bird was, oh, just a bird

FORUGH FARROKHZAD (1935-67); translated from the Persian

I'm taking a blogging break but will resume in June. I wish all my blog readers out there a wonderful Maytime. Happy walking, happy living, happy blogging! And remember to live deliriously those moments of blue...


Mister Roy said...

Will do skipper

Tramp said...

Have a good break.
See you in June...Tramp

George said...

Enjoy your break, Robert. I assume that you will be deliriously living your own moments of blue.

Grizz………… said...

Will miss you, Solitary…but understand the need to gain perspective and recharge the batteries.

BTW, I like the notion of "deliriously living." One should always strive to in a state somewhere between feverish and euphoric re. life.

Happy May!

am said...

You'll be out walking I hope (-:

Kind wishes,

Anonymous said...

I'll be back....too!

Rebecca said...


We shall see you when we see you.