Learn what poetry means to retired clinical nurse Pam Moyle in our thirteenth Passionate Transitory quinterview.
You only have to look at the work of first world war poets such as Wilfred Owen to see how important it [poetry] is. How could the world have known the truth without such poets? I also think of the imprisoned political poets — their writing considered dangerous! Poetry also brings pleasure and relaxation to people in this increasingly frantic world. Poets will always be there to record the truth, so yes — it's very important.
Pam Moyle
Pam Moyle |
Wonderful that Pam reminds us of the importance of the WWI poets. And how poetry lifts us out of the mundane - for nothing is mundane really is it? Not in itself - just our perception...
Thanks Pam!
WW1 poets are important and they tell a truth. What is usually absent from WW1 narratives is the voice of the barely educated soldier. He is unlikely to leave a record. Worth remembering when we read the poems of the officer class.This is one aspect, valid, but only one part. In English, we read little of German poets, so our TRUE appreciation of the trenches is lopsided.
Poetry can lift us from the mundane, but that is often not its task. Poetry's task is often to find epiphanies in the mundane. That's where we all live, after all. Look at (only one example among many) at Gillian Clarke's 'On St Davids day' or if you wish at W/Worth's 'Daffodils'. Both in mundane settings, in which someting more was seen.
I must recant here. I said contradictory things in my previous post about the mundane, in comparison to drit's comments.
I had a point but undermined it by being inconsistent. In fact drit is right.
Hello Solitary Walker. Wondering where you are these days.
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