A common man marvels at uncommon things. A wise man marvels at the commonplace. CONFUCIUS

Saturday, 18 May 2013


Tomorrow I am going to give up
Scotch whisky and the pursuit of knowledge,
sex, sour wine, peanut butter,
all beliefs, religions and philosophies,
arguments, Gardeners’ Question Time,
overindulging in oranges,

and I’ll throw off
my torn blue Levi’s and my poet’s hat,
do something so mad and different that
I’ll leave my old ideas and habits
in my wake like yesterday’s clothes,
and whoop, and hardly know myself.


Ruth said...

Love it. A trail behind you of stuff that isn't necessarily you. And who would the new you be? Fresh as a baby ... celebrating life!

George said...

This is what it means to be free, and sweet is the liberation that comes from an acknowledgment that we never really know much about anything, especially ourselves. If we could let go of this persistent need to know, to possess and practice wisdom, we might find a lovely peace of mind that heretofore has only been imagined.

The Solitary Walker said...

Well, it's now tomorrow, and my spoon's in the peanut butter jar. Though, you know what they say: tomorrow never comes...

martine said...

I want to be someone new too. but maybe just for a day.

The Weaver of Grass said...

I do not think this is possible - but wish it was.

Dominic Rivron said...

What no Bob Flowerdew?

And no scotch whisky??

The Solitary Walker said...

Thanks for your comments, Martine and Pat.

Tomorrow Dominic, tomorrow. For today Glenlivet and Pippa Greenwood rule!

Laura said...

Maybe start with one hour today...I loved this.

The Solitary Walker said...

Thanks, Laura! One hour at a time...

Arija said...

Sounds to me like 'jam every other day' . . .

The Solitary Walker said...

Hey, Arija – that sounds perfect!