It is with some sadness that I must announce the closure of my online poetry magazine, The Passionate Transitory, after just one year, but I'm afraid other projects, commitments and concerns have made it impossible for me to carry it on.
I'm proud of the four issues that did appear, and want to thank those of you who contributed work of such high quality. It's gratifying to know there is such painstakingly well-written work out there in this age of Twitter, sound bites and instant gratification.
Thanks again for all your support and encouragement. I have already received many messages via email and Facebook expressing genuine regret at the magazine's closure, and some warm accolades for its style and content. This has touched me a great deal.
I found about a year ago Robert that I could no longer writer poetry - it has been difficult but I have had to move on. Sorry about your poetry book though.
Thank you for a year of The Passionate Transitory, Solitary Walker.
Where was that photo taken?
Ah, Robert, I'm sorry to see it go. I hope though, that whatever is leading you onward and elsewhere will be equally fulfilling and will treat you as generously as you've treated us with your offering of the Passionate Transitory.
Robert, thank you for a year out of your life. The internet is marvelous, but offers many opportunities for burnout for those with a literary bent. Looking forward to wherever your writing urges take you next.
Thanks for all these comments.
The photo at the head of the post was taken on the pilgrim route into France from Geneva, am. It's the village of Queyrières, and that big rock is volcanic basalt.
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