A common man marvels at uncommon things. A wise man marvels at the commonplace. CONFUCIUS

Thursday, 18 July 2013

Thursday Lunch

Why don't you join me for lunch? I've just picked lettuce and new potatoes fresh from the garden...

... and we could have them with chicken, grated carrot and celery, tomatoes, olives, a squeeze of lemon, a drizzle of olive oil, a hint of mayonnaise and a little seasoning...

... to be eaten, of course, away from the sun's glare in the shade of the old plum tree at the bottom of the garden...


The Weaver of Grass said...

I will exchange salads with you Robert - go to my blog today to see what I served up.

George said...

Sensational and beautifully photographed. There is something sacred about eating from one's garden, a deep feeling that one is, for that moment, finally in harmony with the universe.

The Solitary Walker said...

Pat, I have just looked at your sophisticated salad combination — and it's just so yummy...

Absolutely, George. I don't think you exaggerate. There's nothing quite like eating your own salad and potatoes when they've been picked from your own garden minutes before mealtime. And we've got French beans and mangetout and chillies coming along nicely. Even the cauliflowers seem to have recovered from an early ravaging by the pigeons. Wish we'd planted a lot more strawberries though! Everyone else seems to get to them before I do.

Susan Alcorn said...

I wish I could! Looks beautiful, fresh, and delicious. Nothing like fresh from the garden.
And the field of poppies is spectacular--France? Spain?

The Solitary Walker said...

I must say that lunch was rather better than the meal I had with you (and Ralph and those German and Spanish guys) in 'Le Snack Bar' on the Arles route! (Oh God, that tripe sausage...)

The poppy field is in England — in Kent, between Canterbury and Dover, on the Via Francigena.

Ruth said...

Don't mind if I do! I agree with George, that it all looks delicious and beautiful as you've arranged and photographed it. Artistic! And also about the harmony, and that feeling that you know where your food has come from, and that you had a [small] part in its propagation. Sheer gratitude.

Anonymous said...

I don't know if you have enjoyed Bibb lettuce but its my favorite and I could eat it right from the garden with a drizzle of olive oil.

Craig said...

Beautiful produce which I'm sure tasted just as good as it looked. First year with a veggie plot and just digging up my first potatoes this week - very exciting.
New to you via Gail/Bertie.

The Solitary Walker said...

Thanks for these additional comments, and welcome Craig!